Parchment, 42 ff., ca. 20,5 × 10,5 cm; 1175-1200
The manuscript is incomplete. It contains 3 sequences of Lucan’s Pharsalia: I.1-559 + II.476-IV.429 + V.175-VI.672. The lacunae I.560-II.475 and IV.430-V.175 as well as the entire text from VI.673 to X.545 has not been localized. A minor disorder has arisen due to the misplacement of two bifolia in the third quire (= f. 17-26). The text as it is has to be read in the following order of leaves 17, 18, 19, 21, 20, 23, 22, 24, 25, 26
Marginal and interlinear notes have been added to parts of Lucan’s poem. A pen drawing with explanations on f. 10v illustrates the harbour of Brindisi
On f. 1r the names of two medieval owners are noted: "liber haquini kreg" and "thome". The name Haquinus may indicate that the book has had at least one Nordic owner in the Middle Ages. To judge from the script Thomas seems to be identical with the person who also owned the Lucanus codex GKS 2022 4°
The manuscript was acquired by the Royal Library at the auction of the Chapter Library of Hamburg in 1784. It was paginated and signed by Johann Martin Winckler, appointed secretary to the chapter in 1727. The missing parts of the text had been lost and the two bifolia of the third quire were already misplaced when Winckler paginated it. The manuscript was rebound during the reign of King Christian VIII (1839-1848)
Bibl.: Bibliotheca Capitularis sive apparatus librorum ex omni parte eruditionis in reverendo Capitulo Hamburgensi huc usque asservatorum jam vero ... publica auctionis lege distrahendorum, Hamburgi 1784, p. 273, no. 3363. - Ellen Jørgensen, Catalogus codicum Latinorum medii ævi Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, Hafniæ 1926, p. 316. - Birger Munk Olsen, L'Étude des auteurs classiques latins aux XIe et XIIe siècles, II, Paris 1985, p. 40; III.2, 1989, p. 92. - Erik Petersen, Intellectum Liberare. Johann Albert Fabricius - en humanist i Europa. København 1998, 583f.
Erik Petersen