Paper, 33 ff. (2 × VI + V-1), 29,5 × 21,5 cm; saec. XV
The manuscript contains Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Epitoma rei militaris, lib. I- IV. On f. 1r an extract from Isidorus' Etymologiae, lib. XVIII (De bello et ludis), I.1-10, has been added between the end of the chapter headings and the text proper ("Primus bella intulit ... ligna quibus uva premitur")
The text ends on f. 27v; ff. 28r-33v blank (ff. 28 and 29 with ruling for columns). There are quire markings on f. f. 12v and 24v. The manuscript has two modern foliations, one of which is incorrect
In an 18th century hand it is stated on f. 1r that the manuscript was copied "circa 1434"; the statement lacks documentation
The manuscript belonged to the library of Gottorp castle in Schleswig, whose manuscripts were transferred to Copenhagen in 1735. Notices in Pechlin's, Petersen's and Möllmann's inventories of the manuscripts of Gottorp castle indicate that GKS 338 2° was once part of a unit that also included mss. GKS 380 2° (Viaticum narrationum) and GKS 718 2° (Adam Bremensis)
Bibl.: Ellen Jørgensen, Catalogus codicum Latinorum medii ævi Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, Hafniæ 1926, p. 331. – Not listed in Charles R. Shrader, A Handlist of Extant Manuscripts Containing the De Re Militari of Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Scriptorium, 33, 1979, p. 280-305
Erik Petersen