Musik til Aug. Bournonvilles balletter m.v. |
- Abdallah (Serail-Vals ; Begyndelsen af tredie Akt) (DF197) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Aladdin eller Den forunderlige Lampe (Aladdin, or The Magic Lantern) (Chor med Dands fra "Trillingbrødrene fra Damask") (DF153) - P.F. Funck N.W. Gade Fr. Kuhlau [pdf]
- Arcona (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF235) - J.P.E. Hartmann V.C. Holm C.C. Møller [pdf]
- Arcona (Væverdands) (DF235) - J.P.E. Hartmann V.C. Holm C.C. Møller [pdf]
- Bellman eller Polskdandsen paa Grönalund (Bellman or the Polish Dance at Grönalund) (Menuett) (DF167) - H.S. Paulli J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Blomsterfesten i Genzano (The Flower Festival in Genzano) (Processions Marsch) (DF205) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Blomsterfesten i Genzano (The Flower Festival in Genzano) (Scene, Engelsk Matrosdans, Sequidille (Spansk Dans)) (DF205) - E. Helsted H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Blomsterfesten i Genzano (The Flower Festival in Genzano) (Vals, Saltarello, Processions Marsch) (DF205) - E. Helsted H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Bouquet Royal, Divertissement (Divertissement. Russisk, nygræsk Kvadrille) (DF220) - Bournonville (arr.) H.C. Lumbye (orc.) B. Dahl (orc.) [pdf]
- Bouquet Royal, Divertissement (Galop) (DF220) - Bournonville (arr.) H.C. Lumbye (orc.) B. Dahl (orc.) [pdf]
- Bouquet Royal, Divertissement (Russisk-Nygræsk Afdeling) (DF220) - Bournonville (arr.) H.C. Lumbye (orc.) B. Dahl (orc.) [pdf]
- Bouquet Royal, Divertissement (Skandinavisk Quadrille, Galop) (DF220) - Bournonville (arr.) H.C. Lumbye (orc.) B. Dahl (orc.) [pdf]
- Brama og Bayadéren (Le Dieu et la bayadére, ou La Courtisane amoureuse) (5 Galoppader, Cotillon) (DF157) - Auber [pdf]
- Broncehesten (Le Cheval de bronze) (No printed piano score available) (DF223) - Auber [pdf]
- Brudefærden i Hardanger (The Wedding Festival in Hardanger) (Fantasi) (DF195) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Brudefærden i Hardanger (The Wedding Festival in Hardanger) (Karakterstykker/Character Pieces) (DF195) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Brudefærden i Hardanger (The Wedding Festival in Hardanger) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF195) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Bruden (La Fiancée) (Quadrille: Pantalon, L'Eté, La Poule, Pastorelle, Finale) (DF130) - Auber [pdf]
- Brylluppet ved Como-Søen (The Wedding at Lake Como) (No printed piano score available) (DF186) - F. Glæser [pdf]
- Conservatoriet eller Et Avisfrieri (The Conservatoire, or A Proposal of Marriage through the Newspaper) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF187) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Conservatoriet eller Et Avisfrieri (The Conservatoire, or A Proposal of Marriage through the Newspaper) (Telegraph-Galop. Komp: H.C. Lumbye) (DF187) - H.C. Paulli [pdf]
- Cort Adeler i Venedig (Cort Adeler in Venice) (Forkortet klaverudtog/Abbreviated piano score) (DF219) - P. Heise [pdf]
- Czaren og Tømmermanden (Czaar und Zimmermann) (No printed piano score available) (DF176) - G. A. Lortzing [pdf]
- De lystige Koner i Windsor (Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor) (No printed piano score available) (DF215) - O. Nicolai [pdf]
- De Uimodstaaelige (The Irresitibles) (No printed piano score available) (DF189) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Den alvorlige Pige, Balletdivertissement (The Eanest Maiden, Ballet Divertissement) (Hopsa ; Vals ; Reel) (DF200) - A.F. Lincke [pdf]
- Den Bjergtagne (The Bewitched) (No printed piano score available) (DF237) - I. Hallström [pdf]
- Den Hvide Rose eller Sommeren i Bretagne (The White Rose, or The Summer in Bretagne) (No printed piano score available) (DF180) - H.S. Paulli E. Helsted [pdf]
- Den nye Penelope eller Foraarsfesten I Athenen (The Penelope, or The Spring Festival in Athens)(Belteds.,Brud.ds.,Dre.ds.,Våb.ds.,Sørg.m.,Fin.)(DF177) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Den Stumme i Portici (La muette de Portici) (No printed piano score available) (DF127) - Auber [pdf]
- Det hemmelige Ægteskab (Il Matrimonio Segreto) (No printed piano score available) (DF198) - D. Cimarosa [pdf]
- Diamantkorset (Das Diamantkreuz) (No printed piano score available) (DF178) - S. Saloman [pdf]
- Don Juan (Il Dissoluto Punito, ossia il Don Giovanni) (No printed piano score available) (DF171) - Mozart [pdf]
- Don Quixote ved Camachos Bryllup (Don Quixote at Camacho's Wedding) (No printed piano score available) (DF146) - L. Zinck Rossini Méhul Spontini Schneitzhöffer [pdf]
- Dronningens Livgarde (Les Mousquetaires de la Reine) (No printed piano score available) (DF184) - J.-F. Halévy [pdf]
- El Capricho, Jaleo (El Capricio - Spansk Dans) (DF243) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Elverpigen (The Elf Maiden) (Divertissement) (DF216) - E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Elverpigen (The Elf Maiden) (14 udvalgte stykker for klaver/14 selected pieces for piano) (DF216) - E. Hartmann [pdf]
- En Børnefest (A Children's Party) (No printed piano score available) (DF169) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Erik Menveds Barndom (The Childhood of Erik Menved) (Klaverudtog - udvalgte stykker/Piano Score - selected pieces) (DF162) - J.F. Frøhlich Nic. Bochsa [pdf]
- Et Eventyr i Billeder (A Fairy Tale in Pictures) (Polonaise, Blomstervals, Stormgalop, Vals, Drømmen, Billedbogen) (DF226) - V.C. Holm [pdf]
- Et Folkesagn (A Folk Tale) (Charakteerstykker ; Galop og Vals) (DF196) - N.W. Gade J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Et Folkesagn (A Folk Tale) (Fuldstændigt klaverudtog / Complete piano score) (DF196) - N.W. Gade J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Eventyret paa Maskeraden eller Den sorte Domino (Le Domino noir) (Allegretto, Allegretto, Pas Styrien, Allegro moderato) (DF152) - Auber [pdf]
- Eventyret paa Maskeraden eller Den sorte Domino (Le Domino noir) (Gallopade, Vals) (DF152) - Auber [pdf]
- Eventyret paa Maskeraden eller Den sorte Domino (Le Domino noir) (Indlæg: Bolero ; Contradands) (DF152) - W. Dahl [pdf]
- Eventyret paa Maskeraden eller Den sorte Domino (Le Domino noir) (4 danse / 4 dances) (DF152) - Auber [pdf]
- Farvel til det gamle Theater (Farewell to the Old Theatre) (No printed piano score available) (DF233) - V.C. Holm (arr.) [pdf]
- Faust (Potpourri) (DF133) - Ph. L. Keck (arr.) Schneitzhöffer Carlini Sor Spontini Weber Rossini [pdf]
- Federigo (No printed piano score available) (DF182) - H. Rung [pdf]
- Festen i Albano (The Festival in Albano) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF154) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Fidelio (No printed piano score available) (DF123) - Beethoven [pdf]
- Figaros Bryllup (Die Hochzeit des Figaro) (No printed piano score available) (DF165) - Mozart [pdf]
- Fiorella (Cachucha - Spansk Nationaldands) (DF149) - Auber [pdf]
- Fiorella (La Cachucha - Danse Espagnole) (DF149) - Auber [pdf]
- Fiskerpigerne, Hornpipe og Reel (The Fischer Girls, Hornpipe and Reel) (Engelsk Dands) (DF242) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Fjeldstuen eller Tyve Aar (The Mountain Hut, or Twenty Years) (Sæterpigernes Ds.,Astas Ds.,Børnene Fort.,Menuet,Huldreds.,Springds.,Scherzo) (DF208) - Aug. Winding E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Fjernt fra Danmark eller: et Costumebal ombord (Far from Denmark: or A Costume Ball on Board) (Indianischer Kriegstanz) (DF210) - J. Glæser H.C. Lumbye A.C. Lincke E. Dupuy [pdf]
- Fjernt fra Danmark eller: et Costumebal ombord (Far from Denmark: or A Costume Ball on Board) (Indiansk Krigsdands) (DF210) - J. Glæser H.C. Lumbye A.C. Lincke E. Dupuy [pdf]
- Fjernt fra Danmark eller: et Costumebal ombord (Far from Denmark: or A Costume Ball on Board) (Le Bananier (Negerdands)) (DF210) - J. Glæser H.C. Lumbye A.C. Lincke E. Dupuy [pdf]
- Fjernt fra Danmark eller: et Costumebal ombord (Far from Denmark: or A Costume Ball on Board) (Le Bananier (Negerdands)) (DF210) - J. Glæser H.C. Lumbye A.C. Lincke E. Dupuy [pdf]
- Fjernt fra Danmark eller: et Costumebal ombord (Far from Denmark: or A Costume Ball on Board)(Karakterst. og Danse/Character pieces and Dances)(DF210) - J. Glæser H.C. Lumbye A.C. Lincke E. Dupuy [pdf]
- Fra det forrige Aarhundrede (From the Last Century) (Forberedelser til Festen, Optog af Holbergske Figurer, Hoffets Ankomst) (DF236) - V.C. Holm (arr.) [pdf]
- Fra Sibirien til Moscow (From Siberia to Moscow) (Fuldstændigt klaverudtog/Complete Piano Score) (DF238) - C.C. Møller [pdf]
- Fædrelandets Muser (The Fatherland's Muses) (No printed piano score available) (DF155) - J.F. Frøhlich N.W.Gade [pdf]
- Galop militaire (Entrée, Galop, Finale) (DF244) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Galop militaire (Entrée, Galop, Finale) (DF244) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Gamle Minder eller En Laterna magica (Old Memories, or A Magic Lantern) (Norsk Springdans) (DF185) - E. Helsted [pdf]
- Gioacchino (Klaverpartitur/Piano Score: Canzone med Chor, Bøn til St. Januar, Carlottas Sang i Kirken, Canzonette, Brudesang, Tarantella) (DF168) - H. Rung [pdf]
- Gioacchino (Tarantella) (DF168) - H. Rung [pdf]
- Gratiernes Hyldning (Acclaim to the Graces) (No printed piano score available) (DF122) - Bournonville (arr.) Caraffa Gallemberg Sor [pdf]
- Guerillabanden (The Guerilla Band) (Potpourri) (DF137) - I.F. Bredal [pdf]
- Guerillabanden (The Guerilla Band) (Seguidilla) (DF137) - J. Bredal [pdf]
- Gustav den Tredie (Gustav III) (No printed piano score available) (DF206) - H. Rung [pdf]
- Hamborger-Dands (Hamburger-Dance) (No printed piano score available) (DF170) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Hans Heiling (No printed piano score available) (DF144) - H. Marschner [pdf]
- Herthas Offer (Hertha's Offering) (No printed piano score available) (DF148) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Hertugen af Vendômes Pager (Les Pages du Duc de Vendôme) (No printed piano score available) (DF128) - Ad. Gyrowetz [pdf]
- Hilsen til Jylland, Hussardands fra Rosenborg-Marked ('Greetings to Jutland', Hussar Dance from the fair in the Rosenborg Gardens) (Polka)(DF240) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Hugenotterne (Les Hugenots) (No printed piano score available) (DF166) - Meyerbeer [pdf]
- I Kapatherne (In the Carpathians) (Drømmen, Slowanka) (DF201) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Iphigenia i Aulis (Iphegenia in Aulis) (No printed piano score available) (DF211) - Gluck [pdf]
- Iphigenia paa Tauris (Iphigénie en Tauride) (No printed piano score available) (DF232) - Gluck [pdf]
- Kermessen i Brügge eller: De tre Gaver (The Kermesse in Brüges, or The Three Gifts) (No printed piano score available) (DF191) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Kildereisen (The Healing Spring) (Sct. Hansaften Vals, Sjællandsk Reel) (DF209) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Kirsten Piil eller to Midsommerfeste (Kirsten Piil, or Two Midsummer Festivals) (No printed piano score available) (DF172) - E. Helsted [pdf]
- Klerkevænget (Le Pré aux clercs) (Tre Gallopader, Quadrille) (DF140) - F. Hérold [pdf]
- Korsikaneren (The Corsican) (No printed piano score available) (DF229) - E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Kronjuvelerna (Les Diamants de la couronne) (No printed piano score available) (DF163) - Auber [pdf]
- La Tarantella (Tarantelle Neapolitana) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF245) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- La Tarantella (Tarantelle Neapolitana) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF245) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- La Ventana, Balletdivertissement (La Ventana, Ballet Divertissement) (La Seguidilla) (DF199) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- La Ventana, Balletdivertissement (La Ventana, Ballet Divertissement) (La Seguilla) (DF199) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- La Ventana, Balletdivertissement (La Ventana, Ballet Divertissement) (Speildands/Eugenie-Vals) (DF199) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Liden Kirsten (Little Kirsten) (Dands, Vise og Chor ; Chor og Dands) (DF204) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Livjægerne på Amager (The King's Corps of Volunteers on Amager) (Finale)(DF224) - W. Holm E. Dupuy H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Livjægerne på Amager (The King's Corps of Volunteers on Amager)(Forberedelser, Livjægerne, Skjændesc., Besøg, Polka, Pas de trois, Vals) (DF224) - W. Holm E. Dupuy H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Livjægerne på Amager (The King's Corps of Volunteers on Amager)(Forberedelser, Livjægerne, Skjændesc., Besøg, Polka, Pas de trois, Vals) (DF224) - W. Holm E. Dupuy H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Lohengrin (No printed piano score available) (DF221) - R. Wagner [pdf]
- Lucia af Lammermoor (Lucia di Lammermoor) (No printed piano score available) (DF202) - G. Donizetti [pdf]
- Lucrezia Borgia (No printed piano score available) (DF207) - Donizetti [pdf]
- Lykkens Hjul eller Den sidste Tallotteri-Collecteur (The Lucky Wheel, or The Last Number-Lottery Office) (No printed piano score available) (DF183) - H. Rung H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Mandarinens Døtre (The Mandarin's Daughters) (Bryllupsfest, Schackbrikkernes Dands) (DF230) - V.C. Holm [pdf]
- Maritana (Bolero, Vals) (DF179) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Maritana (Champagne Galop) (DF179) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Maritana (Champagner Galop) (DF179) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Maritana (Champagner Galop) (DF179) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Maskeraden (The Masquerade) (Hanedandsen) (DF189) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Mestersangerne i Nürnberg (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) (No printed piano score available) (DF227) - R. Wagner [pdf]
- Mindets Krands for Danmarks store Digter (A Memorial Wreath to Denmark's Great Poet) (No printed piano score available) (DF247) - C.C. Møller (arr.) [pdf]
- Moses (Moïse) (No printed piano score available) (DF164) - Rossini [pdf]
- Mulatten (The Mulatto)(Dands)(choreography by P. Larcher?) (DF277) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Napoli eller Fiskeren og hans Brud (Napoli, or The Fisherman and His Bride) (Moroeaux choisis (no.1-6), Tarantella, Finale) (DF158) - H.S. Paulli E. Helsted N.W. Gade H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Nina eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed (Nina, ou La Folle par amour) (Allegro vivace, Andante, Andante, Allegretto, Andantino, Rondeau) (DF139) - L.-L. Persuis [pdf]
- Nina eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed (Nina, ou La Folle par amour) (Andantino, Andantino, All Spiritu, Romance, Marsch, Andante) (DF139) - L.-L. Persuis [pdf]
- Nina eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed (Nina, ou La Folle par amour) (Menuet, Gavotte, Perigourdine, Gavotte, Romanza Villanella, Farandole) (DF139) - L.-L. Persuis [pdf]
- Nina eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed (Nina, ou La Folle par amour) (Potpourri) (DF139) - L.-L. Persuis [pdf]
- Nina eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed (Nina, ou La Folle par amour) (Quadrille, Gallopade) (DF139) - L.-L. Persuis [pdf]
- Nøkken (The Nix) (No printed piano score available) (DF194) - F. Glæser [pdf]
- Olaf den Hellige, Slaget ved Stiklestad (St. Olave, The Battle at Stiklestad) (No printed piano score available) (DF150) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Pas des trois cousines (No printed piano score available) (DF239) - H.S. Paulli (arr.) [pdf]
- Paschaens Datter (The Pascha's Daughter) (No printed piano score available) (DF218) - P. Heise [pdf]
- Paul og Virginie (Paul et Virginie) (No printed piano score available) (DF129) - R. Kreutzer [pdf]
- Phantasiens Øe eller 'Fra Chinas Kyst' (The Isle of Phantasy, or 'From the Shore of China) (Gallopade, Gallopade, Hornpipe) (DF151) - J.P.E. Hartmann E. Helsted J.F. Bredal L. Zinck H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Phantasiens Øe eller 'Fra Chinas Kyst' (The Isle of Phantasy, or 'From the Shore of China) (Pas Russe, Hornpipe, Vals, Gallop., Pas des deux) (DF151) - J.P.E. Hartmann E. Helsted J.F. Bredal L. Zinck H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Phantasiens Øe eller 'Fra Chinas Kyst' (The Isle of Phantasy, or 'From the Shore of China) (Vals) (DF151) - J.P.E. Hartmann E. Helsted J.F. Bredal L. Zinck H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Polacca guerriera (No printed piano score available) (DF175) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Polka, (Militairdands) (Polka militaire) (Polka) (DF161) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Polketta, Pas de deux (Polka) (DF241) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Polketta, Pas de deux (Polka Mazurka) (DF241) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Polonaise (No printed piano score available) (DF246) - H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Pontemolle (Et Kunstnergilde I Rom) (Pontemolle (An Artists' Party in Rome) (Allemande,Saltarello,Alderd. & Daarskab,Blomsterp.'s Dands,Finale (DF214) - V.C. Holm A.F. Lincke L.W.T. Carlsen F. Neruda [pdf]
- Pontemolle (Et Kunstnergilde i Rom) (Pontemolle (An Artists' Party in Rome)) (Rococo-Quadrille) (DF214) [pdf]
- Postillonen i Lonjumeau (Le Postillon de Lonjumeau) (No printed piano score available) (DF147) - Ad. Adam [pdf]
- Preciosa (No printed piano score available) (DF192) - C.M.v. Weber [pdf]
- Prindsesse Isabella eller Tre Aftener ved Hoffet (Princess Isabella, or Three Nights at the Court) (Tarantelle, Chor) (DF126) - L. Zink [pdf]
- Psyche (No printed piano score available) (DF190) - E. Helsted [pdf]
- Rafael (Raphael) (Carnevalsscene ; Scene i Andet Tableau) (DF173) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Ravnen eller Broderprøven (The Raven) (Cotillon) (DF134) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Ravnen eller Broderprøven (The Raven)(Bryllupsmusik, Dands af Vampyrer, Af 3. Akts Finale)(DF134) - Hartmann, J.P.E. [pdf]
- Ravnen eller Broderprøven (The Raven)(Dans af anden akt)(DF134) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Robert af Normandiet (Robert le Diable) (1 Vals og 5 Galoppader) (DF228) - Meyerbeer [pdf]
- Robert af Normandiet (Robert le Diable) (1 Vals og 5 Galoppader, Valse infernale) (DF228) - Meyerbeer [pdf]
- Romeo og Giulietta (Romeo and Giulietta) (DF136) - C. Schall [pdf]
- Soldat og Bonde (Soldier and Peasant) (No printed piano score available) (DF125) - Ph. L. Keck (arr.) Caraffa Lefèbvre Romagni [pdf]
- Sylfiden (La Sylphide) (Divertissement) (DF145) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Sylfiden (La Sylphide) (Introduction af Første Act) (DF145) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Sylfiden (La Sylphide) (Les fiancailles, L'Effy, La Sylphide, L'Echarpe, Le délire) (DF145) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Sylfiden (La Sylphide) (Les fiancailles, L'Effy, La Sylphide, L'Echarpe, Le délire) (DF145) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Sylfiden (La Sylphide) (Ouverture, 1.akt (nr.1-5), 2.akt (nr.6-8), Finale) (DF145) - H. Løvenskjold [pdf]
- Søndags-Echo. Amagerdands (Echo of Sunday, Dance fra Amager) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF181) - H.S. Paulli [pdf]
- Sövngjængersken (La Somnambule, ou l'Arrivée d'un nouveau seigneur) (Cotillon) (DF124) - F. Keyper [pdf]
- Sövngjængersken (La Somnambule, ou l'Arrivée d'un nouveau seigneur) (Divertis., Allegretto, Allegro, Alleg. moderato, Andante, Danse, Finale) (DF124) - F. Hérold [pdf]
- Sövngjængersken (La Somnambule, ou l'Arrivée d'un nouveau seigneur) (Potpourri) (DF124) - F. Hérold [pdf]
- Tannhäuser og Sangerkrigen paa Wartburg (Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf der Wartburg) (No printed piano score available) (DF234) - R. Wagner [pdf]
- Tempelherren og Jødinden (Der Templer und die Jüdin) (Galoppade) (DF138) - H. Marschner [pdf]
- Tempelherren og Jødinden (Der Templer und die Jüdin) (Masurka) (DF138) - H. Marschner [pdf]
- Thrymsqviden (The Lay of Thrym) ([Fuldstændigt] klaverudtog) (DF519) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- To Tableauer. Udfaldet i Classens Have (1807) (Two Tableaux Mozartiana. The Sally from Classens Have (1807)) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF225) - V.C. Holm (arr.) [pdf]
- Toréadoren (The Toreador) (Introduction, Zapateado, Yaleo de Xeres, Bolero, Chanson Espagnol) (DF156) - H.C. Lumbye E. Helsted [pdf]
- Troubadouren (Il Travatore) (Allegro, Spansk Nationaldans, Galop) (DF213) - Verdi [pdf]
- Tryllefløjten (Die Zauberflöte) (No printed piano score available) (DF217) - Mozart [pdf]
- Tyrolerne (The Tyroleans) (Fire Udvalgte Dandse/Four selected dances) (DF141) - J.F. Frøhlich Rossini H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Tyrolerne (The Tyroleans) (Udvalgte stykker / Selected pieces) (DF141) - J.F. Frøhlich Rossini H.C. Lumbye [pdf]
- Undine (Indledning til 1. Akts Finale, Marsch) (DF160) - A. Adam J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Uthal (No printed piano score available) (DF174) - Méhul [pdf]
- Valkyrien (The Valkyrie) (Klaverudtog/Piano Score) (DF212) - J.P.E. Hartmann [pdf]
- Veteranen eller Det gjæstfrie Tag (The Veteran or The Hospitable House) (No printed piano score available) (DF135) - L. Zinck [pdf]
- Victors Bryllup eller Fædrene-Arnen (Victor's Wedding, or The Ancestral House) (DF131) - Ph. L. Keck S. Mercandante [pdf]
- Villars Dragoner (Les Dragons de Villars) (No printed piano score available) (DF222) - L. Maillard [pdf]
- Waldemar (Divertissement) (DF143) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Waldemar (Introduzione, 1. akt (nr. 1-6), 2. akt (nr. 7-8), 3. akt (nr. 9), 4. akt (nr.10-14)) (DF143) - J.F. Frøhlich [pdf]
- Weyses Minde (Divertissement) (In Memory of Weyse) (DF231) - V.C. Holm (arr.) [pdf]
- Wilhelm Tell (Guillaume Tell) (No printed piano score available) (DF159) - Rossini [pdf]
- William Shakespeare (Chor med dans) (DF203) - Fr. Kuhlau [pdf]
- Yelva (Yelva, ou L'Orpheline Russe) (No printed piano score available) (DF142) - P.D. Muth-Rasmussen [pdf]
- Zampa eller Marmorbruden (Zampa, ou La Fiancée de Marbre) (4 Galoppader, Quadrille, 6 Dandse) (DF132) - F. Hérold [pdf]
- Zulma eller: Krystalpaladset (Zulma or The Crystal Palace) (Exhibition-polka, Galopin-finale) (DF193) - H.S. Paulli V.C. Holm [pdf]