GKS 1341 4°: Ps. Cyprianus, De aleatoribus. (Ps.) Tertullianus, Adversus Iudaeos





GKS 1341 4°: Ps. Cyprianus, De aleatoribus. (Ps.) Tertullianus, Adversus Iudaeos

Parchment, 8 ff., 23,5 × 17 cm; 12th century

The manuscript in its present form consists of only one quire. It contains two minor treatises, the first which, De aleatoribus, is ascribed to D. Cæcilius Cyprianus episcopus in the manuscript. The entire text of De aleatoribus has been copied on f. 1r-4r. Of the second treatise, Adversus Iudaeos, the text corresponding to chapter 6-9 (Itaque necessitas nobis incumbit ... uirtutem cęterarum quoque gentium) has been copied on f. 5r-8v. The preceding parts were not copied in the manuscript, whereas the text of chapter 9-14 (aurum constituere ... os suum) has been preserved in a fragment now in SUB Hamburg (Cod. 31 in Scrinio, no. 7). The fragmentary manuscript in Copenhagen and the fragment in Hamburg (that also includes two texts by St. Jerome) once formed parts of one codex, a descendant of Paris, BNF, Latin 13047

The manuscript once belonged to Fridericus Lindenbrogius (1573-1648), cf. ”N 15” on f. 1r (identified by Jørgensen, see Catalogus p. 300 ad GKS 3543 8°). Later it became part of the library of Gottorp Castle in Schleswig, whose manuscripts were transferred to Copenhagen in 1735

Bibl.: Ellen Jørgensen, Catalogus codicum Latinorum medii ævi Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, Hafniæ 1926, p. 16f. – Thilo Brandis, Die Codices in scrinio der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg 1-110, Hamburg 1972, pp. 79f. – M. Marin, Problemi di ecdotica ciprianea. Per un'edizione critica dello pseudociprianeo De aleatoribus, Vetera Christianorum, 20 (1983), pp.141-239 (165-166 & 157-159). – Eva Horváth, Friedrich Lindenbruch: Späthumanist und Handschriftensammler des 17. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Hamburger Bibliotheks- und Gelehrtengeschichte, Hamburg 1988 [dissertation, microfiche], p. 214f. – Pierre Petitmengin, Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle, in M. Cortesi (ed.), Padri Greci e Latini a confronto. Atti del Convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Firenze 2004, pp. 63-88

Erik Petersen